The Selection tools are used to retrieve information about objects that are in the current Selection Layer. It is important to understand that there may be many layers in the map window, but only the ones configured as selection layers will have information attached to them. The information is displayed in the Information Panel on the right hand side of the map.  

If there are many layers in a selection, IntraMaps will return all the objects in the Information panel with one tab per selection layer to separate the results.

Point Selection

The Point Selection tool is used to select features in the selection layer by using a point to define the search region. 

    • Click on the Point Selection tool to activate it 
    • Single click on a feature to select
    • The Information Panel will activate and populate with information about that feature
    • Users can pan the map by clicking and dragging whilst the Point Selection tool is active

Circle Selection

The Circle Selection tool is used to select one or multiple objects in the selection layer by using a circle to define the search region. 

    • Click on the Circle Selection tool to activate it 
    • Click and hold the left mouse button and drag the cursor away from the point to create a circle
    • The radius of the circle is shown in the status bar at the bottom right

Rectangle Selection

The Rectangle Selection tool is used to select one or multiple objects in the selection layer by using a rectangle to define the search region. 

    • Click on the Rectangle Selection tool to activate it 
    • Click and hold the left mouse button and drag the cursor away from the point to create a square or rectangle
    • The width, height and area of the rectangle, as well as the coordinates of the mouse pointer, will be displayed in the status bar 

Polygon Selection

The Polygon Selection tool is used to select one or multiple objects in the selection layer by using a polygon or multi sided shape to define the search region. 

    • Click on the Polygon Selection tool to activate it 
    • Click once on the map to start the polygon
    • Click as many times as required to define a search area
    • Double click to finish the shape. Note: The last line segment is automatically created, so users don't need to finish on the point they started at
    • While creating the polygon, the length of the current line, the total length and the area of the polygon, as well as the coordinates of the mouse pointer, will be displayed in the status bar

Line Selection

The Line Selection tool is used to select one or multiple objects in the selection layer by using a line to define the search region. 

    • Click on the Line Selection tool to activate it 
    • Click once to start the line
    • Click as many times as required to define a search line
    • Double click to finish the line
    • While creating the line, the length of the current line and the total length of the line, as well as the coordinates of the mouse pointer, will be displayed in the status bar

Share Boundary Selection

The Share Boundary Selection tool is used to select one or multiple objects in the selection layer that share a boundary with one object.

    • Click on the Share Boundary Selection tool to activate it 
    • Click on an object to select it
    • The features that share a common boundary will also be selected

Buffer Around

The Buffer Around tool is used to select one or multiple objects in the selection layer that are within a specified distance of a selected object.

    • Specify a distance (in metres) within the text box
    • Click on the Buffer Around tool (target icon) and then click the desired object on the map to buffer
    • The features that are within the specified distance will also be selected

Add to Selection

When making selections, each new selection deletes the previous selection and starts one from scratch.

Using the Add to Selection tool, users can add objects to a current selection.

    • Click the Add to Selection tool to activate it
    • Click one of the Selection tools and complete a selection
    • The new selection will be added to the current selection

When enabled, click the tool again to deactivate it.

Remove from

Using the Remove from Selection tool, users can remove objects from a current selection.

    • Click the Remove from Selection tool to activate it
    • Click one of the Selection tools and complete a selection
    • The selected features will be removed from the original selection 

When enabled, click the tool again to deactivate it.

Selection Layers

All available selection layers will be in this list and it may be different per module. By default, selection tools will use select objects from 'All' layers. 

If users would like to restrict a selection to one specific layer, they can choose that layer from this list.

Selection Filter

Using a configured search template and an associated search form, users can filter their selections in IntraMaps based off the fields that are configured within that search form.

See Selection Filter for further information.

Current and Entire Selection

When users make a selection, IntraMaps will select all the records for that layer. All the records are called an Entire Selection. By default, IntraMaps displays these with a red outline in the map, though system administrators may change this colour.

The Information Panel will show data for the Current Selection. By default, IntraMaps with display this as a light red fill colour.

Users can change the Current Selection using the left and right arrows in the Information Panel