What's New


3D WebGL

IntraMaps now supports full 3D WebGL, including advanced capabilities such as shadow analysis, volume calculations, terrain profiles, 3D View Shed, line-of-sight, underground mode and more.

The 3D tools and functionality have been built around software developed by Skyline Software Systems. TechnologyOne have worked closely with Skyline's development team to deliver the advanced 3D functionality into IntraMaps.

This functionality is only available when configured by an administrator.

See 3D for more information.

Multi Option Pick-list in Data Entry

A new Data Entry control type has been implemented that allows end users to select multiple attribute options from a pick-list field when creating or editing Data Entry features.

This functionality is only available when configured by an administrator.

Multi Combo in Data Entry

Data Entry now supports multi combo search forms to filter a pick-list based on values in a previous pick-list.

This functionality is only available when configured by an administrator.

Copy Attribute Functionality in Data Entry

Within Data Entry, the 'Copy Feature Geometry' function has been enhanced to support auto-fill functionality of the attributes that exist within the selected snap layer feature.

Refer to the tip for Copy Feature Geometry in Data Entry for more information.