Users can create, edit, view and export various chart options based on a selection in IntraMaps. 

Note: Charting functionality must be enabled by an administrator.

Charts Panel

A number of options can be configured for the Chart functionality:

    • Using a Selection tool or search, select the desired features to create a chart from. Users must select more than one feature from the same layer to create a Chart
    • The Chart Panel will automatically display in the Sidebar
    • Select the Chart Type: Bar, Line, Pie or Donut
    • If configured, users may be able to compare the data to another dataset. Enable the check-box and select the dataset to be compared with the current data
    • Select a colour scheme
    • Select the number of bands. The lower the number, the larger the value range per band 
    • Click Display Chart
    • Note: The maximum number of categories that can be displayed is 10. If there are more, users will have an 'Other' category
    • A window with the chart will display. Users can change any of the above parameters and their chart will update accordingly
    • Click Display Thematic Layer. The features selected on the map will be coloured according to the chart colours
    • To export, choose a Template and Format and click Export

If users would like a particular layer to be available for charting, or if an Export Template needs updating, contact an administrator.

Chart Display

From the Chart display, users can click a column to view the attribute information for the features in that column. This will open up a new tab called Details.

When clicking a column, the features in that column become temporarily highlighted on the map in the background as a visual aid to display which features are included within that particular column.

Changes made in the Charts Panel will update the Chart Display accordingly.